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The larkspur is the July birth flower. Larkspurs are annual species of the genus delphinium, and the names are used interchangeably. The name larkspur comes from the Tudors, due to the bloom’s resemblance to a lark’s spur or claw. According to Greek mythology, this July flower blossomed where the blood of Ajax was spilled in the battle of Troy.

Larkspurs are known as a protective plant to repel venomous snakes and cure scorpion stings. In England, people even sprinkled larkspur in their bathwater to protect themselves from ghosts and magic. Since it grows wild in the United States as well as Europe, Native Americans picked it for dye.

The other birth flower for July is the water lily, which symbolizes the continuing renewal of life, divinity and enlightenment.

Art direction - Csenge Győrbiró

Design - Csenge Győrbiró

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